Friday, November 8, 2024



[Published December 24, 2024, by The Daily Progress, the daily newspaper of Charlottesville, Virginia]

[Published December 29, 2024, by The News Virginian, the daily newspaper of Waynesboro, Virginia]

Introduction: Importance of Nature to Human Existence

 ALL TEXT AND PHOTOS © 2024 Marlene A. Condon 

Even the smallest and most delicate creatures serve important functions in the environment. The Aurora Damselfly shown here on a Common Violet leaf helps to limit insect populations (e.g., mosquito larvae) in ponds and still waterways when in its immature aquatic stage, and in the air when it’s an adult, thus helping to prevent overcrowding of such invertebrates in the environment. The damselfly is itself food for many other creatures, which limits its own numbers to sustainable levels.


We can understand the importance of nature to our own existence not only by scientific study, but also by reading the Bible. If the Bible truly represents a legitimate source of knowledge, it must concur with the reality of life on Earth, and it does.


Genesis tells us that plants were created first. This makes sense because, as we know from science, they would harness the energy from the Sun to pass on to animals. The plants would also create the oxygen-rich environment that most animals depend upon to live.


According to the Bible, a huge variety of creatures appears next. This agrees with scientific observations that each kind of animal has its own roles to play to help maintain the proper functioning of the environment. You need recyclers of organic matter (that is reused again and again) to create new life from those organisms that have died. You need predators to limit other kinds of critters, and seedeaters and (to a much lesser extent) herbivorous animals to keep plant numbers in check. In other words, every organism is essential for keeping the whole system running as it should.


Many people who are religious (as well as, of course, others who do not concern themselves with the natural world or God) don’t seem to comprehend that everything on Earth came into being in the order it did because the environment depends upon the interconnectedness among organisms to function. When people don’t grasp this underlying blueprint, they can’t see that the preservation of nature is vitally important to man’s continued residency on Earth.


Indeed, man appears last in the Bible because he is completely dependent upon all the other organisms (plants and animals) that work to make the Earth habitable for him. If you close your eyes to this truth about our relationship with the natural world, you cannot possibly notice the evidence that is, and always has been, right before our eyes, disclosing the remarkably simple and undeniable proof that a creator exists.


While most people feel they would need to witness a miracle to know that God is real, the truth is that we do not need an extraordinary event of epic proportions. Nor do we need to employ mathematical calculations or to talk about the majesty of nature. The substantiation of His presence has been right there in front of us, and the beauty of it is that you do not even need to be a person of faith to recognize its verity. Please read on to learn why nature, man, and God comprise the trinity for life—the bonds of which cannot be broken without suffering disastrous consequences. 

Large Milkweed Bug adults and nymphs reach the developing, and the mature, seeds of Common Milkweed by piercing the surface of a seedpod. By sucking juice from the seeds, the milkweed bugs kill them, and thus help to limit the number of viable seeds available to germinate the following year. In this manner, the milkweed population can be kept in check, but only in nature-friendly yards where people don’t kill insects they see on their plants.


Chapter One: Bible Tells Us Man Is Dependent Upon Nature


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PART ELEVEN Listing of Scientific Names of Organisms Mentioned in the Text ALL TEXT AND PHOTOS © 2024 Marlene A. Condon Sachem butterfly at ...