Friday, June 14, 2024


Links to Three Articles Recently Published in Newspapers


Monarch nectaring at potted Lantana in author's yard.

ALL TEXT AND PHOTOS © Marlene A. Condon


On April 17, 2024, The Daily Progress (the Charlottesville daily newspaper) published my article regarding the clearing of land along the Rivanna River by the parks department so their folks could get rid of so-called invasive plants. They replaced the nonnative trees and vines with tree saplings planted in neat rows, as if they were creating a tree farm instead of useful-to-wildlife habitat.


I feel that in a world with precious-little room left for wildlife, the destruction of functioning habitat to create what some people nowadays consider “ideal” habitat is a mistake. It robs wildlife of yet one more area to use NOW, as if these critters can afford to wait ten years or more for this area to possibly once again support them. You can read my commentary by using this link:


On May 27, 2024, The Daily Progress published my second article based upon the over-100-years-old book of bird lists I received from a reader. [You can find the first article link at In Defense of Nature: 2023]


I believe this little book makes clear why our wildlife is disappearing. You can read my article at The Daily Progress by using this link:

The article can also be accessed at The News Virginian that published it on May 29, 2024. Here’s the link:


On June 13,2024, The Daily Progress published my article on the steep decline of Monarch butterfly populations, the migration of which may now be in peril. You can find it here:


You can also find this article at the Waynesboro daily newspaper, The News Virginian, that published the Monarch article June 14, 2024. Here’s the link:






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The following commentary was published by The Daily Progress , the daily newspaper of Charlottesville, Virginia, on September 24, 2024.  You...